Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Taking the Lead of My Own LIfe

Having endured many complicated situations in the past, doesn't guarantee I may come across many other new challenges to face and overcome in the future. Even if I have learned a few lessons along the way, in this life, we go through a never ending training.

I am certain that no matter what my past may have held, I can always let go of it and use my negative experiences to make myself stronger when tackling the future.

Of course, It is all about choices. Either I chose to move on and look forward or I  take the decision to stay where I am, whining, complaining, letting all the negative emotions run me down and  making a fuss about how bad life is or everything else in it that  makes me feel miserable. 

I chose to be Happy, Free from Burden and Wiser every day. 

It apparently seems pretty light and easy, right? Let me tell you, It's not, at least for me, but totally worth the try.

With each passing day there is a new milestone and a new setback. I am in a constant sweet battle within myself to maintain  balance and keep up this high standard life setting goal of not being defeated by adversity.

I 'm aware of a few resources I use to help me continue this habit of not letting negative occurrences hinder my life, not allowing me to move on delivering my best, with  the necessary openness and gratitude needed to attract all that I deserve.

At first, I ponder over my actions in detail looking deep into myself to find which are the payoffs I get from them. I search for a pattern in all the emotions that spread around my body. In this way, I acquire more knowledge about my subconscious self, the one I am not rationally in contact with all day. It is being more aware of our body language and how it manifests itself.

Another essential ingredient is Gratitude. Every time I am surprised by an unfortunate event, I automatically search for all the positive things I may learn around it and everything I have to be grateful for. Therefore perceptions change and so the parameters of the downside.

I don't take thing personally. (Period) It happened to me, It may have happened to anybody else. It's a consequence of an action and any variable I may say to myself is enough. Acting like a Victim makes me nauseous, it means no power over my life, body, soul and mind. A lot can happen, but no one and nothing is going to snatch the experience I chose of my own existence.

No regrets. Why waste my precious time condemning myself with regrets of doing something wrong at a time in the past where I thought it was right?. I do like to acknowledge my mistakes or the inaccurate roads that lead me to something I would later realize it was not the very best for me.  I find important to observe and learn. But definitely  torturing myself with regret is not my style. Apart from this, I am convinced that everything has a purpose, and If it was there, It is because it had to be.

I change the impact of thoughts and memories. I bet all of us have felt some kind of suffering in our lives. It is inevitable. In fact, life seems to go out of its way to provide us with some exquisite forms of suffering. Well, I think that having around bad memories that only produce pain will keep me away from enjoying life fully and being joyful everyday.  I shrink down crappy memories and push them away, instantly making them weaker – and again, make myself feel better in the process.

These are the resources that allow me to have control of my own life. I hope you find them useful.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Wake Up, it is time.

It's the Era of Change, A Revolution of Consciousness, the awakening process of  our higher self. Throughout many years of human life, many wise people have been shareing thoughts about our existance. Many of them have been shuttered, censored, taken for fools, believed crazy, named as witches, and even killed for their ideas.

Still their legacy remained.

Thanks to the globalization of information through the internet, many teachings and wise words have travelled the planet in seconds, making it possible for us to read, internalize knowledge and act according to it.

It is the right time to wake up, and realize that we have misunderstood life. For the fortune of few, our brains have been wired  with limited, erroneous and misleading beliefs.

Fortunately, we now have the chance to access our brain, rewire correctly many of the incorrect concepts and start experiencing this incredible world as we should.

We have within our grasp the opportunity to start again. Start to live a new life with enthusiasm. More pure, more aware and more happy, where we connect with everything around us.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Turning The Page in Slow Motion

How many times we are stuck in situations that in spite all of our efforts we cannot change the outcome?

How many times we found ourselves doing over an over the same and receiving the exactly same results?

Maybe it is a relationship we cannot move forward into a higher level. Maybe it is our way of communicating, or a job we desperately need to finish. Whatever it is, sometimes we either start trying different ways around it, or we have to get the courage to turn the page and move on to something else.

And while I was thinking about this, and having the knowledge that this is what I have been doing for a long time, I thought, that turning the page doesn't mean that we always have the ability to do so in a fast, sudden unconscious way. We have to acknowledge that this is what we need to do, work with it, connect with the emotions that our body expresses and find ways to cope with our state of mind in order to let things flow into a new direction.

This process which I particularly find interesting, healthy and positive, in my case, needs to be done in slow motion. We cannot stress ourselves out trying to put things behind , people or situations from one day to another.  It is no so easy to shift into something new. Letting things go produces many times fear and definitely gets you out of your comfort zone. Still, it is wise to start with the exercise of moving forward. Day by day, little by little. Encouraging ourselves and feeling certain that every end has a new beginning and that this new beginning is an opportunity for something great.

If you need to turn your page in any aspects of your current moment, do it, but in slow motion. Before you realize you will be exited with something new and the past, will just remain in the past.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mysterious Ways

As I was breathing some fresh air in my home's balcony, it crossed my mind U2's song " She moves in mysterious Ways" and even it may have nothing to do with what I am about to write It made me think about the mysteries of life. She sure moves in mysterious ways.      
If I go back 20 years from now, I would never have  guessed what life had prepared for me and how drastic  the changes in my way of thinking would be.
We change. Regardless of our constant attachment to things, people or thoughs, without being quite conscious about it, we do change.

All our life experiences move us to a new dimension, they polish us and little by little we become a new us. I am glad for that.

Due to my limited education in means of openness and free thinker, on my younger years I would somehow divide, look down on and underestimate other people. Foolish me.
I was skeptical and contained within the boundaries that my family, school and religion would impose.

Eager to live life fully, and passionate as I am, with time those walls began to break down. My own mistakes and the hard reality of life, made me grow, understand myself and above all be open to everyone around me with their differences and similarities.
Before, My essence  and true self were hidden underneath layers of insecurities, ignorance and lack of internal freedom.

As my life moved on and sailing   through rough waters, I learnt that we are all One. Each individual is a diamond stone. Some precious, some being polish and some others still rough,  but all of us  dealing with the uncertainty of our existence, moving forward to the challenges that arrive at our doorstep.

As a wide river that flows constantly,branching from time to time, we wake up from the mist of our own beliefs. What we once hated, we love. What we once criticized , we accept. What we once ignored we embrace. We are constantly changing, and if we follow our heart and intuition, free from judgment and filled with love, the mysteries of life won't reveal themselves but they will  surely be welcomed as gifts so that we can keep on growing in awareness, acceptance and love.